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Why Is Evolution Wrong?

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Evolution is a theory that states that all life on earth evolved from a single cell, and everything about us—from our physical features to our behaviors—is a result of this process. However, many scientists believe this theory is flawed and should be discarded in favor of an alternative explanation called creationism. In this article, we will explore why evolution has failed as a scientific theory by examining the following points:


DNA supports creation, not evolution.

The molecular basis for life is DNA, which stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is a code that makes up all life on Earth. This code can be read by humans, computers and God. Evolutionists claim that this code arose gradually through random chance over billions of years by mutations and natural selection. However, according to their own theory of evolution, the information in DNA couldn’t have come about without intelligent input; therefore it supports creation rather than evolution (which would require an intelligent designer).


Fossils prove that humans did not evolve.

Fossils are found in rock layers that are dated by the fossils found within them. Fossils found in older rock layers are more primitive than those found in younger rock layers. This is because evolutionists believe that life began with single celled organisms and gradually evolved into more complex animals over time.


Therefore, according to evolutionary theory, humans should not be found in any of the oldest rock layers because humans have evolved from earlier species such as apes or monkeys. Yet we find no evidence of this progression in any fossil record—the earliest human remains date back to about 7 million years ago (about 6 million years after dinosaurs went extinct).


This is also true for every other living species on earth today—there's no evidence that they evolved from any other type of organism!

There are many scientists who support creationism.

  • John Sanford

  • Michael Behe

  • Henry Morris

  • Fred Hoyle

  • Edwin C. Krupp

  • Robert Kofahl, Stephen Jay Gould, Jonathan Wells and Michael Denton are just a few of the scientists who support creationism.

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Mutations are destructive, not creative

According to evolution, mutations are supposed to be beneficial. If they're not, then why would they exist as part of the natural process? But does scientific evidence support this claim?


Though mutations are often thought of as tiny changes in DNA, they can have huge effects on the organism's health and ability to reproduce. Mutations can cause disease or even make an animal infertile. For example, a mutation in one gene for human skin color led to albinism: people with this condition have very pale skin and hair due to a complete lack of melanin production (see [2]).


Mutations may also cause cancer and other fatal diseases.[3] In fact, a recent study found that more than half of all known cancers are caused by genetic errors (mutations) in our DNA,[4] which suggests that these kinds of mistakes aren't just rare occurrences—they happen pretty frequently!


But how often do positive changes occur through random chance alone? The answer is rarely, if at all; most of these events occur among already existing features rather than creating something new.[5] This means that there's no reason why we should expect any kind of evolutionary advantage from genetic errors; if anything else were true about them then we'd probably see more examples where it did happen.[6]

Animals and humans share the same DNA

The common ancestry of apes and humans is the reason that we share such a high degree of genetic similarity. On average, a gene from an ape will be 98% identical to the same gene in a human, and vice versa. For example, if we were to take a strand of DNA from you and stretch it out, one end would look like this:


Similarities can be explained by a common designer, not a common ancestor.

Another problem with the idea of common ancestry is the notion of a "common designer." The Bible says that we were created fully formed, and there's no reason why God couldn't have done this for any other species as well. In fact, it makes more sense to believe in separate creations than it does to believe in a common ancestor:


  • The Bible says that God created animals and humans separately (Genesis 1:24-25).

  • The Bible says that God created Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:7).

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If you think about these two facts, you realize something very important: if all life on earth came from a single pair of ancestors, then they must have been an animal and human being who mated (or at least had sex somehow). If so, what would be their offspring? A small mammal or something like an ape? Maybe even some sort of fish or bird? But how could such a mating result in anything but another animal/human hybrid creature—something like Bigfoot or Sasquatch? This doesn't make sense; if your parents are both human beings then your siblings will be human too! So if you're going to accept evolution's claim about our origins then you'll need to abandon logic as well as faith because science cannot explain how humans evolved from apes over millions of years without any physical evidence showing us how this happened; it may seem like common sense but it isn't science at all!


The Bible says that we were created fully formed.

The Bible says that we were created fully formed. God created Adam and Eve as adults, not children. They were mature enough to procreate and capable of living in a garden paradise.


Adam and Eve were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). This means they had an immortal soul, so they didn't die like animals do when they're too old, or get eaten by scavengers after dying from disease or old age. The Bible is clear that Adam and Eve did not evolve; rather, God made them out of clay with His hands!


Creationism is a much more scientifically reasonable explanation than evolutionism.

The theory of evolution is a theory that has been disproved many times. It's also not supported by scientific evidence; there is no evidence that life spontaneously arose from non-living matter, or that one species can evolve into another over time. Creationism, on the other hand, explains all observations far more logically than does the discredited theory of evolution. A creator God is necessarily responsible for the existence of everything we see about us today, and creationism explains why we see what we do in our world today: it was created by God with all its varied characteristics as a result of His desire to make it as beautiful as possible.



The theory of evolution is based on a very faulty foundation. It assumes that the universe came into existence out of nothing and that all life arises by chance, without a creator. This has led to many problems in our society today such as racism, sexism and homophobia. Creationism on the other hand looks at how we got here from God's perspective - it explains why humans exist today with no conflict between science and religion.

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